Kohlmann Residence | Cross Plaines, WI

Kohlman-Residence-Exterior-3-1200Kohlmann Residence | Cross Plaines, WI

Built in 1867, as a small country farmhouse,  this rubble coursed stone building had become very deteriorated from exposure to the elements, as it had been unoccupied for many years. A concrete pad and basement door opening added to the south elevation resulting in a large crack and loose stones.  USHG and Marion, Inc. undertook stabilization of the exterior as first phase of the ultimate restoration of the building for use as a home.

Over one-third of the south elevation was mapped, tagged, and dismantled from the second floor lien down to the basement footing.  Each stone was carefully reassembled to recreate the historic wall face.  Other work included crack repair, new stone window headers, and filling of deep voids.

US Heritage Products & Services


Mortar Analysis

Repointing Mortar

Custom Repointing Mortar – Heritage Restoration Mortar Type N

Contact us with any questions. Also, visit our sister company Marion Restoration for additional information on historic restoration and preservation.

Kohlmann Residence | Cross Plaines, WI | US Heritage Group